

Aswani Siwakoti
Toronto, Canada
DOB: July 1997 



The ocean, clear and blue,

Don’t you ever wish?

Wish you could spend your entire life in that clear blue water?

Never again will you have to worry about your problems

Swimming freely without a care in the world

No one can ever push you down and drown you

Because you are a fish that cannot be drowned


The sky, stunning and free

Don’t you ever wish?

Wish you could spend your entire life flying through the sky?

See the world with a better view

Breathing in a fresher air and living open

No one can ever keep you down

Because you are a bird that cannot be kept back


But life is not like this

You are neither a fish nor a bird

Drown, you absolutely will

And you utterly cannot soar through the sky

While you are truthful, others will cheat

While you trust others they will backstab you

Problems are for real and you are for real


Don’t live your life wishing

You were a fish or a bird

Live as a human being and accept

Accept what is thrown at you

Toughen up and deal with it

Because as they say it will all be fine in the end

If it’s not fine it’s not the end