Running Away


Aswani Siwakoti
Toronto, Canada
DOB: July 1997 



First you can’t move

Then your learn to crawl

Later, you learn to stand up

And walk to your mother

The one who taught you

To walk in the first place

You walk from here to there


Your father becomes your idol

You look up to your father

And you learn to run, from him

He taught you to run for

What you believe in

But, no that is not what you do


You run to your friends

And away from your family

One day, you’re home late

The next day, you’re very late

Then one day, you never return

You forget your family,

The ones who raised you


You hang out with your friends

A whole lot more than

You ever did with family

You forget to walk

But no one is there to help you

Your friends abandon you

Because you are no more of use

To whom you called ‘friends’


You were taught to run,

By your greatest idol, your father

Now, it’s not much fun

You took advantage

Of the freedom you got

And now you are mad because

You’re tied up in an insignificant knot