हालसालैका लेखहरु : उड्ने रहर छ,(उमा शर्मा ) तब पो दशैं आउँथ्यो,(गोतामे साँहिलो) नाप्नै सकिएन ,(रजनी श्रेष्ठ) धेरै सिकायो यो कोरोनाले,(उमा शर्मा) गिद्धहरु रमाउँदैछन्,(बासु श्रेष्ठ) आव्हान,(रजनी श्रेष्ठ) ग्रीन कार्ड,(सुदीपभद्र खनाल) लश्कर,(गोविन्द गिरी प्रेरणा) अभिनन्दन !!!!,(ऋषिराम अर्याल) गड्यौला उर्फ सत्यराज ,(कृष्ण बजगाईं )

In the memory of the great Literateur: Bal Krishna Sama

Dirgha Raj Prasai, (Kathmandu)

Literature and music are property of a nation. Nepalese litterateur have significantly contributed to lead the country in creative path. Well known Sanskrit poet Kalidas says "Kavi karoti kabyani, ras jananti pandita" which means poet creates an epic and scholars enjoy it. Literature is mirror of present and future timeline. Music represents the present status. However literature guides present and future. Bhanubhakta, by translating Ramayana to Nepali language, not only contributed the extension of Nepali language but also united Nepalese people emotionally.

Bal Krishna Sama enriched Nepali literature with his various drama and literatures. In one of great epic Chiso chulho (Cold stove), Sama spreads message of equity by showing the love of Sante Damai (lower caste) with Gauri of upper caste. I never forget the great poet and dramatist Bal Krishna Sama.  I had been frequently meeting him since 1968 till he passed away. I visited him every Saturday. Still I remember as I missed the time, the honourable poet would search me. He used to ask me the reason of my absence. I have gone through all of his poems alluded in his drama's book with doing acting. The poet also stressed anything necessary with the color of acting.  The reader who goes through 'Chiso Chulo' (Cold stove) and 'Niyamit Akasmita' (Regular Casualties) knows the essence of life. He has written so many books as 'Amar Sinha', Mutuko Byetha', 'Mukunda Indira'- having mission, vision and goals.

Many litterateur and artists praise Bal Krishna Sama for his great contributions. Here are few words quoted by artist Gehendraman Amatya. "Sama was colonial Nepalese army. He resigned from his post and served Nepalese literature. He joined the opposition group against Rana regime. He established himself as a successful laureate, dramatist and artist and became immortal figure.  He created an art just observing the funeral at Aryaghat, Pashupati. He was called Shakespeare of Nepal. Sama hated foreign goods and loved native ones. After the revolution of 1950, he became Director of Extension Department. Later on, he also became first chief editor of Gorkhapatra (the first Nepali national daily newspaper)." One of his poems has left a profound impression in my life. The content of the poem was-' If the immortals descended from the heaven lying to the people, they will be down trodden for ever.' Sama was born in February 10, 1903 (24 Magh, 1959 BS). He was very talented and great nationalist. Sama was nominated- the Vice chancellor of Academy and the member of the Royal Council (Raj Shabha).

Devkota was an extempore poet and Sama was a therapist. The topmost playwright, Bal Krishna Sama, gave a new impetus to the Kalidas period of Sanskrit, being inspired by the Greek dramatist Homer and English scholar-poet Shakespeare.

In 1937 Nepali Bhasha Anubad Parisad (Nepali Language Translation Council) was established under the chairmanship of Bal Krishna Sama and poets Laxmi Prasad Devkota. Also were involved Madhav Ghimire, Badarinath Bhattarai, Purna Prasad Brahman and Shyamdas Vaishnav in the council. After the restoration of democracy of 1950 we never forget poet-laureate – Lekhnath Paudyal, the great poet Laxmi Prasad Devkota, dramatist Bal Krishna Sama, the poet of era Siddhicharan Shrestha, Gopal Pande Asim, Mahananda Sapkota, Bhupi Shercan. Those poets were of infallible character, never sold their soul, were ever free, spoke the voice of their conscience and never breached the nation. We, Nepalese people want such independent creators to born in today's Nepal. The literature shouldn't be interfere by political dirtiness because it creates free opinion and innovative ideas. Therefore litterateur are accepted as creators and forecasters of social reform.


suresh sharma

I am very happy that you have remembered great Poet Purna Prasad Brahman.

सम्पर्क माध्यम

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